Teachers all over the state and beyond are using Feed the World lessons with their students! See how other teachers are implementing this curriculum in their classrooms, learn about emerging agricultural topics and resources, and get the latest updates on our workshops and satellite activities.
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Browse stories categorized: Teacher stories Emerging topics Workshop news
Learning opps for students AND teacher
The Feed the World 2-day summer workshop gave new information to teacher Mia Bell—AND it provided new learning for her 9th grade biology students at Westerville North High School! Bell took her class through the Farming for the future lesson, part of the Feeding the World unit on our website . “The lesson went great!” Bell said. “Working in a city …
Grant supplies allow sugar scrutiny
Another grant supply winner! Triway High School instructor Jennifer Farrar received a distillation kit from Ohio Corn & Wheat. Some of her college credit chemistry and biology students used the kit for concentration and solution separation. This was part of their efforts to measure the amount of sugar in regular Coke and Coke Zero. The …
Chemistry class does distillation
Brian Ackert teaches at Danville High School. He has attended several Feed the World workshops. Ackert applied for the Ohio Corn and Wheat-sponsored supply grant and received a distillation set up. His chemistry class used the equipment for the Feed the World energy and ethanol lessons . “The students really enjoyed making the alcohol from corn. …
The flame test always gets ‘em!
Jon Wing, a science teacher at Marysville Early College High School, received a distillation kit through the Ohio Corn & Wheat sponsored grant program. Wing used the kit to share lessons from Feed the World’s Energy and ethanol unit with his 11th and 12th grade Environmental Science students. In the unit, students are invited to explore the …
WHAT?!—There’s corn in that??
Corn on the cob, corn syrup, corn flakes, candy corn…. Wait, strike that last one. But corn is widely found as a familiar ingredient in our food! What you MAY NOT KNOW is that corn is an essential component of other products. Take a look at this list…. TOILET PAPER Surprise! Corn is a soft and absorbent material. It can make toilet paper sheets …
Classroom support, year after year
Jeffrey Baker teaches at Alpha School, and recently received distillation supplies in a grant from Feed the World and Ohio Corn & Wheat. The grant is designed to help teachers implement the engaging Feed the World curriculum in their classrooms. Baker shares about how he used the supplies: When this shipment arrived all I saw at first was the …
GMO controversy is an opportunity to engage students
Mexico has placed a ban on shipments of genetically-modified corn from the United States. The United States government is challenging that ban under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement which governs the terms of trade in North America. The participating countries had agreed to base their regulation on scientific research. Mexico’s ban on …
Corn power!
Champion High School STEM students researched corn as a sustainable fuel to power vehicles. They made renewable diesel , then fermented corn mash to make ethanol , and powered steam boats with their fuel. A grant from Ohio Corn & Wheat and Feed the World provided all the materials to aid students in their research. Students used a laboratory …