Feed the World is your one source for curriculum, news, giveaways, workshop information, and other classroom resources brought to you by your friends at Ohio Corn & Wheat.

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Feed the World’s Lead Educator Honored by Science Education Leaders

The Science Education Council of Ohio (SECO) recognized Heather Bryan, Lead Educator for …

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Growing Ohio

7 lessons

Why is corn a valuable crop? How does corn grow, pollinate, and produce kernels? What farming techniques are important to increase corn yield?

Energy and ethanol

8 lessons

What is ethanol? How much corn is dedicated to ethanol production? Why should corn be used to produce ethanol?

Did you know?

There are seven operational ethanol plants in Ohio.

33% of Ohio’s corn crop is used to make ethanol. Over 95% of all U.S. fuel contains 10% ethanol.

Edge-of-field testing is vital for environmental stewardship.

More than $1 million is being invested by Ohio’s agricultural organizations to conduct on-farm, edge-of-field testing to determine exactly how nutrients are getting into Ohio’s waterways.

Farmers are taking action to keep nutrients in the fields.

Farmers are creating customized nutrient management plans, utilizing the best farming practices to keep nutrients out of waterways and in their fields.

There are seven major types of corn.

Most Ohioans are familiar with the delicious sweet corn we enjoy each year. However, there are actually seven different types of corn, each with a unique appearance and purpose.