Feed the World is your one source for curriculum, news, giveaways, workshop information, and other classroom resources brought to you by your friends at Ohio Corn & Wheat.

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Teacher feature: Elizabeth Allen

Elizabeth Allen, a biology and environmental science teacher at Clark–Shawnee High School …

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Water quality

6 lessons

How does the production of corn affect water quality? How is water quality tested?


12 lessons

What is the science behind biotechnology and genetic modification?

Did you know?

Corn is one of the top feed sources for many forms of livestock.

Demand for corn as a feed source for several types of livestock has been increasing in recent years.

A bushel of corn can provide several products.

A single bushel of corn could provide one of four essential product categories.

Edge-of-field testing is vital for environmental stewardship.

More than $1 million is being invested by Ohio’s agricultural organizations to conduct on-farm, edge-of-field testing to determine exactly how nutrients are getting into Ohio’s waterways.

DDGs are a value-added food source.

Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGs), a co-product of ethanol production, are a nutrient-rich feed source for livestock.