
Proven STEM curriculum that connects Ohio science standards with engaging lab activities. Explore these hands-on, inquiry-based science lessons and make agriculture relevant in your classroom.


12 lessons

What is the science behind biotechnology and genetic modification?

Energy and ethanol

8 lessons

What is ethanol? How much corn is dedicated to ethanol production? Why should corn be used to produce ethanol?

Feeding the world

4 lessons

How can we feed 9 billion people? What are the limits to food production?

Growing Ohio

7 lessons

Why is corn a valuable crop? How does corn grow, pollinate, and produce kernels? What farming techniques are important to increase corn yield?

Soil and sustainability

11 lessons

How is farming a system? What are the inputs (fertilizer, pesticide, seed) and outputs (crop yield, emissions, runoff)? What impact does soil as a storage have on the consequences of these inputs and outputs?

Water quality

6 lessons

How does the production of corn affect water quality? How is water quality tested?

Nourish the Future

Nourish the Future is a national educational initiative sponsored by the National Corn Growers Association. Ohio Corn and Wheat supports this educational platform through shared curriculum and by connecting our Ohio teachers to a national network of peers and resources.

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