The Feed the World 2-day summer workshop gave new information to teacher Mia Bell—AND it provided new learning for her 9th grade biology students at Westerville North High School!
Bell took her class through the Farming for the future lesson, part of the Feeding the World unit on our website.
“The lesson went great!” Bell said. “Working in a city school where students are not exposed to farming, nor do they really think about it, this was a great activity to get them thinking about the challenges. I used this lesson in conjunction with our unit on climate change. It directly related to our conversation the day before on the water crisis and really allowed them to connect to the material.”
“My students really got into trying to develop the best plots so they could keep their villages going,” Bell said. “They all seemed to like the activity and it brought up GREAT discussion, especially when we related this to their actual lives and talked about how they think excessive drought could affect their lives. All in all, this will be an activity I use for years.”
Bell found the workshop very useful. “I loved getting to talk with the farmers in the area during the industry dinner,” Bell said. “I also found the information on fertilizer to be amazing because it was able to stomp on a lot of the misconceptions I had about the effect of farming on our water supply. This is a workshop that I have already recommended to all of my science teaching friends. Honestly, it was so good I would love to do it again!”
Watch our events page for upcoming events!