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Science Teachers Discovers Career Connections in Ethanol Production

Georgie Stacy, center, tests ethanol with fellow science teachers at Feed the World’s …

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Jun 17, 2025 at 8:30 am EDT

Feed the World: a 2-day workshop for teachers

Wooster Science Building, Ohio State CFAES Wooster Campus (Wooster, OH)
Hands-on STEM learning for Ohio MS/HS educators on equipping students to solve real-world challenges of producing food and fuel.

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Growing Ohio

7 lessons

Why is corn a valuable crop? How does corn grow, pollinate, and produce kernels? What farming techniques are important to increase corn yield?

Water quality

6 lessons

How does the production of corn affect water quality? How is water quality tested?

Did you know?

Food and agriculture is Ohio’s top industry.

Agriculture is Ohio’s largest industry, earning over $124 billion annually on 76,900 farms in the state.

There are seven major types of corn.

Most Ohioans are familiar with the delicious sweet corn we enjoy each year. However, there are actually seven different types of corn, each with a unique appearance and purpose.

DDGs are a value-added food source.

Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGs), a co-product of ethanol production, are a nutrient-rich feed source for livestock.

A bushel of corn can provide several products.

A single bushel of corn could provide one of four essential product categories.