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High tech and data in ag today
Elizabeth Hawkins, an Extension Field Specialist with the Ohio State University, works with farmers to maximize productivity while stewarding the environment. Hawkins is part of eFields , an OSU program striving to advance production agriculture through the use of field-scale research. The program conducts on-farm studies to help farmers …
Hand Sanitizer - POET’s Newest Co‑product
from VITAL magazine, Spring 2020 issue Soon after COVID-19 began sweeping the nation, consumers started rapidly stocking up on health-safety products to protect themselves from the virus. Adobe Analytics, an agency that monitors E-commerce transactions for the top 80 online retailers, reported that the December-to-January demand for hand sanitizer …
New gene-editing technique eliminates GMO ‘delivery vehicle’ for CRISPR crops
credit: Genetic Literacy Project, Greg Watry | University of California Davis | June 3, 2020 Despite evidence that demonstrates genetically-modified crops are as safe as crops produced through traditional breeding, sections of the public remain suspicious about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). For UC Davis Professor of Plant Biology …
Growing Hope in a difficult time
The COVID-19 pandemic closed schools and abruptly changed education for the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Teachers worked to convert lessons to online learning and maintain contact with students. To encourage both teachers and students, Ohio Corn & Wheat, along with the Ohio Soybean Council, the National Corn Growers, and …
A battle plan for ensuring global food supplies during the COVID-19 crisis
credit: FAO Chief Economist Maximo Torero Cullen, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations The COVID-19 pandemic has put the world on a crisis footing, with unprecedented actions to restrict movements and plans for radical deployment of public funds to combat the threat posed by a novel coronavirus that knows no boundaries. Success …
Using CRISPR to develop superior corn hybrids
credit: N. Doane Chilcoat, Leader, Applied Science and Technology, Corteva Agriscience, in Nature Research Bioengineering Community Throughout history, humans have improved crops. Using many methods, including domestication, hybridization, and transgenesis, people have worked to better food quality and crop yield. As technology advanced, so did …
Distance learning with fermentation lab
The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges for teachers and students, and Ohio Corn & Wheat-sponsored Feed the World was there to help! Feed the World provided materials for Loveland High School teacher Jamie Allison’s students to conduct the Fermentation in a Bag lab, from FTW’s Energy and Ethanol curriculum, through distance learning. …