
Teachers all over the state and beyond are using Feed the World lessons with their students! See how other teachers are implementing this curriculum in their classrooms, learn about emerging agricultural topics and resources, and get the latest updates on our workshops and satellite activities.

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Bioplastics: engineering a new market for Nebraska corn

Dec 19, 2019
The Problem Petroleum-based plastics are created using a man-made polymer called polyethylene terephthalate (or PET). Unlike other biodegradable materials such as food, or even newspapers, PET does not break down when exposed to the elements. In the six decades that the PET polymer has been available for mass production, around 8.3 billion metric …

One of the favorite lab activities of the year!

Dec 18, 2019
Looking for an engaging activity to connect with AP Environmental Science? Catherine Howard at Stow-Munroe Falls High School used activities and supplies from the Feed the World workshop as part of the Earth’s Systems and Resources unit. This unit included a subsection on soil formation and properties of soil that she addressed primarily through a …

Working with future fuel!

Dec 9, 2019
Diesel engines such as trucks, tractors, and heavy motors rely on No. 2 diesel, commonly made from petroleum distillation, for power. A renewable substitute for fossil diesel is renewable diesel, which can be easily made from corn and other vegetable oils, animal fats, and waste grease through chemical reactions. Renewable diesel burns cleaner …

Sharing resources in Mansfield

Dec 9, 2019
Feed the World lead educator Heather Bryan recently visited OSU Mansfield associate professor of education Donna Farland-Smith’s classroom. Bryan shared Feed the World’s resources with pre-service teachers. The group also worked through the Feeding the World lesson . This lesson analyzes population growth and engages students in a simulation using …

The Future of Farming is Food, Fuel and Fiber

Nov 26, 2019
credit, Jeff Broin, Executive Chairman and CEO of POET, Vital magazine, Fall 2019 To say this year has been difficult for rural America would be an understatement. From low prices to trade disputes to unpredictable weather patterns, farmers have faced one of the toughest growing seasons in recent history. And the biofuels industry has been …

Reaching out at NSTA Cincinnati

Nov 21, 2019
Teachers at NSTA Cincinnati had the chance to hear all about Feed the World’s great resources! We talked to over 225 teachers at our booth. FTW alumni educators also presented workshop sessions at the conference. In Phenomenal Soils , presented by Pettisville High School teacher Donna Meller, 25 participants conducted three different soil tests to …

Breeding Success

Nov 21, 2019
credit: Matt Thompson, Ethanol Producer magazine A new breed of corn, produced with the ethanol industry in mind, promises more corn oil yield and higher-protein distillers grains. Charlie Brown, CEO of Brownseed Genetics, says a lesson his dad taught him has been the guiding principle of his company. “My dad in the ’70s told me, if we as farmers …

BioenergizeME Infographic Challenge

Nov 21, 2019
Corn is a source of renewable energy. Our Energy and ethanol unit covers ethanol production, start to finish. This challenge from the Department of Energy gives students more information about bioenergy and ways to share what they learn! This Challenge incorporates research, interpretation, synthesis, design, and collaboration skills, while …

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