
Teachers all over the state and beyond are using Feed the World lessons with their students! See how other teachers are implementing this curriculum in their classrooms, learn about emerging agricultural topics and resources, and get the latest updates on our workshops and satellite activities.

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Virtual classroom resources

Looking for virtual classroom resources? We’ve got a lot of great curriculum on our site, and we’ve adapted things to make them virtual user-friendly! You can find links to curriculum—student and teacher documents—below. Also, take a look around the site….we have digital resources that can help students understand some additional background, …

Online lab science!

Feed the World alumni educators Jennifer Foudray and Rachel Sanders run an interactive classroom at Global Impact STEM Academy. As part of their response to school closures, they decided to adapt the Fermentation in a Bag lab to prep and mail home to students so they could conduct an actual experiment at home. Sanders is using this lab to …

Crops in the field during winter?

Difficult growing seasons mean farmers must make decisions about when to harvest their crops. credit: Dale Hildebrandt, Farm and Ranch Guide Wet fields, delayed maturity of the row crops and low commodity prices paired up with high propane prices have resulted in some farmers saying maybe they will leave part of their 2019 row crops to stand in …

Farming for the Future in Sheridan Middle School

Rebecca Foltz of Sheridan Middle School attended last summer’s two-day Feed the World workshop and was introduced to lots of great curriculum on our website . She talks about what she took back to her students: The lesson I chose to do with my 6th graders was Farming for the Future , as an extension of our unit on soil. Our school is located in a …

Pizza and Conversation with Ohio Corn & Wheat

Three high school FFA organizations enjoyed some good food and food for thought, thanks to Ohio Corn & Wheat! These schools were chosen in a drawing during Farm Science Review. Feed the World lead educator Heather Bryan and Ohio Corn & Wheat’s Brad Moffitt visited Westfall High School, Botkins High School, and Cory-Rawson High School. …

Bioplastics: engineering a new market for Nebraska corn

The Problem Petroleum-based plastics are created using a man-made polymer called polyethylene terephthalate (or PET). Unlike other biodegradable materials such as food, or even newspapers, PET does not break down when exposed to the elements. In the six decades that the PET polymer has been available for mass production, around 8.3 billion metric …

One of the favorite lab activities of the year!

Looking for an engaging activity to connect with AP Environmental Science? Catherine Howard at Stow-Munroe Falls High School used activities and supplies from the Feed the World workshop as part of the Earth’s Systems and Resources unit. This unit included a subsection on soil formation and properties of soil that she addressed primarily through a …

Working with future fuel!

Diesel engines such as trucks, tractors, and heavy motors rely on No. 2 diesel, commonly made from petroleum distillation, for power. A renewable substitute for fossil diesel is renewable diesel, which can be easily made from corn and other vegetable oils, animal fats, and waste grease through chemical reactions. Renewable diesel burns cleaner …

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