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Browse stories categorized: Teacher stories Emerging topics Workshop news
Water quality in the water cycle
A lesson on the hydrologic cycle led naturally to water quality for Tracy Van Balen’s 7th grade science students at Sheridan Middle School. She used Feed the World’s Water quality lessons and activities that she’d practiced at the summer workshop. Penny Cox, an educator with Perry County Soil and Water, visited the class, bringing her erosion …
Valuable connections and information for teachers
Teachers at the Ohio Corn & Wheat-sponsored Focus on Water Quality and Soil Science workshop had the opportunity to meet two great professionals: Ohio farmer Gary Wilson and OSU Water Quality Initiative Director Heather Raymond. Wilson, a seventh-generation farmer in Hancock County, greeted the workshop participants, then spent the morning …
Dirty hands, wet feet, and loving it!
The Focus on Water Quality and Soil Science workshop was a great success, as Feed the World presenters Heather Bryan and Jane Hunt engaged 24 teachers in hands-on, inquiry based activities at Highbanks Metro Park. The activities are part of the Feed the World units on water quality and soil and sustainability . The day began with a brainstorming …
“Don’t Get So Close to Me!”
How does the number of corn plants per acre affect yield? How can one be sure about the validity of assessment? Thanks to last summer’s Tech in Ag workshop, Kelly Mikhail of Worthington Christian High School was able to teach her Molecular and Cellular Biology Honors students how to assess data and determine its reliability. Dr. Alex Lindsey of …
Anthony Wayne FFA does water sampling
by Anthony Wayne FFA Reporter Maggie Burkett On Wednesday, October 2nd, the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, or AFNR, 1 and 2 classes went and collected water samples. The AW schools are lucky to have Swan Creek run through the property! The AFNR 1 and 2 students have been studying water quality in their classes and went down to Swan …
Feeding 10 billion people will require genetically modified food
credit, Deena Shankar, Bloomberg Bloomberg discusses importance of genetically modified food to meet the world’s food needs Like it or not, genetic modification is going to be an important tool to feed the planet’s growing population. If we want to feed 10 billion people by 2050, in a world beset by rising temperatures and scarcer water supplies, …
Tech in Ag workshop provides classroom connections
STEM education is hot, and agriculture includes many connections to STEM lessons, activities, and careers. Participants in the 2019 Tech in Ag workshop, sponsored by, the Ohio State University, and USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, learned about those connections. OSU’s Dr. Alex Lindsey shared about Ohio’s …
What’s your number?
Data is helpful only if you know how to interpret it. Participants in the Tech in Ag workshop, sponsored by, the Ohio State University, and USDA’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture, gathered data and then learned how to analyze it to make agricultural management decisions. First, participants gathered soil samples …