by Anthony Wayne FFA Reporter Maggie Burkett
On Wednesday, October 2nd, the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, or AFNR, 1 and 2 classes went and collected water samples. The AW schools are lucky to have Swan Creek run through the property! The AFNR 1 and 2 students have been studying water quality in their classes and went down to Swan Creek to take water samples. They also identified other things they found in the water, as well as measured the phosphate levels, performed turbidity tests, and several other tests.
The classes did the data collection for Toledo Metropolitan Area Council Of Governments’ Student Watershed Watch program. Maddi Follas, a student in AFNR 2 who went out and collected data, said, “It was one of the most fun things we’ve done this year because we got to do research outside of the classroom. We also got to see how researchers collect samples and test for bacteria and unwanted substances in the water we drink!”
All in all, the students had fun going out into the field to do research and hope to learn more about it! Anthony Wayne FFA is a satellite of Penta Career Center.
* Fall is a great time to get your students outside for water testing! See the lessons here.