Looking for virtual classroom resources? We’ve got a lot of great curriculum on our site, and we’ve adapted things to make them virtual user-friendly! You can find links to curriculum—student and teacher documents—below. Also, take a look around the site….we have digital resources that can help students understand some additional background, too.

Growing Ohio
Calculating growing degree days (GDDs)
What role does temperature play in corn production?
Student document -
Corn field math
How much corn can one acre grow?
Student document • Teacher document
Soil & sustainability
Soil texture labtivity
What is soil composed of? How can you separate its components to find out?
Student document • Teacher document -
Agricultural system
Using the sketchpad app on iPad or a blank sheet of paper, students draw a system diagram. Illustrate what you know about inputs, outputs, storages, and flows. (This could be used as a pre-assessment before a unit on agriculture is taught.)
Student document -
Soil texture (special virtual classroom version)
Students determine soil texture by feel and percentage.
Student document
Feeding the world
Population rates
Students graph the increasing populations by billions over time.
Student document • Teacher document -
Population age structures
What is an age structure diagram? How does age structure affect population growth? Why is this important in food production?
Student document • Teacher document
- Punnett squares
Predict results of a hybrid cross.
Student document • Teacher document
Water quality
- Can you ID?
How can living organisms help to determine water quality?
Student document • Teacher document