Teachers all over the state and beyond are using Feed the World lessons with their students! See how other teachers are implementing this curriculum in their classrooms, learn about emerging agricultural topics and resources, and get the latest updates on our workshops and satellite activities.
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Browse stories categorized: Teacher stories Emerging topics Workshop news
Browse stories categorized: Teacher stories Emerging topics Workshop news
What’s in your water?
Farmers often get blamed for pollutant discharge into water near their land, but are they really the bad guys? According to a recent article by Ohio Farm Bureau staff, “municipalities have agreements with Ohio EPA to allow for a certain amount of sewage to be dumped directly into tributaries located in watersheds that flow into Lake Erie.” …
A true win/win program for Sunrise Co-op and FFA
Many high school students are college-bound, but others want to take a different path. To encourage the latter group, George Secor at Sunrise has teamed up with Ohio FFA for an amazing, creative program: Sunrise University, also known as the RISE FFA Career Program. Sunrise is a leading agricultural and energy cooperative located in Ohio. …
The Feed the World Workshop is Back to Normal and We Love It!
The 2021 Feed the World workshop was held in person this year, allowing teachers, farmers, and industry leaders to network and learn together. Held at London High School, teachers were greeted by Brad Reynolds, Ohio Corn & Wheat’s Communications Director. Reynolds opened the workshop by informing teachers about Ohio Corn & Wheat’s …
POET reaching out to communities through grant program
POET Biorefining’s Leipsic facility has provided support and encouragement to the Feed the World network by giving teachers tours of the plant, helping educators learn more about the process of producing ethanol and co-products. The POET organization is also committed to helping communities through their Never Satisfied Community Grant Program. …
Visiting Beck’s Hybrids
We’ll be visiting Beck’s Hybrids, the largest family-owned, retail seed company in the United States, during the summer workshop. Watch this video to learn about what kind of research is happening there!
We appreciate teachers!
…and we’re especially grateful for the FTW Alumni Educators who support our program! Jamie Allison is a Bioscience Technologies instructor at Loveland High School. He’ll be presenting at the summer workshop. Allison also serves as a Workforce & Education Consultant at BioOhio and a Consortium Manager at Southwest Ohio Bioscience Education …
College info for your students!
Check out this interest survey to help students learn about different program options in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at the Ohio State University. Help them see the many options out there for them!
Spring planting—in the classroom!
It’s time to plant! Dori Hess teaches at Glenoak High School in Canton. She took advantage of our offer of corn for her students. Her school’s science club is planning to do “bucket gardens”. “We are trying to get 5 gallon buckets donated from our local hardware store and soil from a local nursery, and then we’ll plant away!” said Hess. “The …