Teachers all over the state and beyond are using Feed the World lessons with their students! See how other teachers are implementing this curriculum in their classrooms, learn about emerging agricultural topics and resources, and get the latest updates on our workshops and satellite activities.
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Browse stories categorized: Teacher stories Emerging topics Workshop news
OCW providing partnership support to STEM schools
The 2017 Report on Ohio STEM Schools highlights Ohio Corn & Wheat’s support for STEM schools across the state. STEM schools seek partnerships with local businesses, colleges, and community groups. Ohio Corn & Wheat was named by schools as a significant partner in their education efforts. OCW-sponsored Feed the World provides teachers with …
Learning about corn’s vegetative state and predicting yield
It’s a great time of year to be outside with your students, looking at corn! Adam Staley of Clear Fork High School presented the leaf collar method and yield prediction test to two of his classes, using the school’s Land Lab where the FFA chapter has planted 55 acres of corn. In these lessons, students can experience what agronomists and other ag …
Feed the World summer workshops: teachers share their experiences
What are our summer workshops all about? What do teachers gain from attending? Hear for yourself from three teachers who came this summer!
Purple Plow: Uncovering STEM Solutions
Check out this great website on ag challenges! Purple Plow is designed to connect modern ag with the Maker Movement and innovative problem solving. This PDF takes students step-by-step through the challenge design process. You can incorporate this into lessons such as Feeding the world .
Ag + Science = STEM Teacher Presentation at the fair!
This year’s Henry County fair offered more than just rides, animals, and treats—a special outreach event gave teachers and homeschoolers an opportunity to integrate STEM and the science of agriculture into education. Feed the World alumni educators Brian Badenhop and Donna Meller, along with Education Projects’ Heather Bryan and Jane Hunt, …
How can living organisms help to determine water quality?
Lisa Hawthorn, a 7th grade science teacher at Lakewood Middle School, used Feed the World water quality lessons during a hydrology unit. They began with the biotic sampling lesson to introduce the idea of what lives in a healthy stream. Hawthorn said, “This was a great hands-on way to illustrate this as we could not go to a stream in person. I …
POET field trip gives a closer look at ethanol production
Energy and Ethanol is one of the topics covered in the Feed the World curriculum. In the Findlay workshop, participants made ethanol in a classroom, then visited a much larger-scale production facility. The POET Biorefining plant in Leipsic began operations January 10, 2008. This facility consumes approximately 24 million bushels of locally-grown …
Flooding in Findlay Can’t Stop Feed the World
Despite unusual flood conditions in the town of Findlay, 30 teachers gathered for the second OCW-sponsored Feed the World workshop. The group included teachers from a variety of high school science disciplines, all engaged in exploring the topics of GMOs/Biotechnology, Energy and Ethanol, Water Quality, Soil and Sustainability and the challenges …