
Teachers all over the state and beyond are using Feed the World lessons with their students! See how other teachers are implementing this curriculum in their classrooms, learn about emerging agricultural topics and resources, and get the latest updates on our workshops and satellite activities.

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Springfield Feed the World workshop a great success!

The OCW-sponsored Feed the World Springfield workshop attracted 31 teachers from all over Ohio representing agriscience, biology, chemistry, environmental science and general science. Participants worked through labs from on topics related to GMOs/Biotechnology , Energy and Ethanol , Water Quality , Soil and Sustainability , …

How will you use what you learned in the workshop?

“If we can grow some corn in the classroom and then dissect it, that would be awesome. Most of this stuff is hands-on, and my kids especially thrive on those activities. “ Jeff Baker teaches middle school science, physical science, and biology in ALPHA, a result oriented program to rehabilitate students in Perry County who are involved with the …

Who’s that in YOUR lab group?!?

A special guest attended Day 1 of the Springfield Feed the World workshop: Dr. Tracy Kitchel. Dr. Kitchel is Professor and Chair of the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) at The Ohio State University. He participated in hands-on lab activities and also attended the industry dinner that evening. Kitchel said …

What’s in your soil and stream?

Want curriculum that makes science come alive for your class? Feed the World lessons provided Sabrina Stalder, Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA Advisor at Athens High School with good activities and extension to reinforce science concepts. In her Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources class, Stalder used the Soil Texture labtivity and …

Science club shares stream studies and more with community

An important part of learning is being able to share information with others. Donna Kill of Cardington-Lincoln Local Schools received a Feed the World mini-grant that provided an environmental science outreach to the community. With the grant money, Kill purchased stream ecology kits, magnifying lenses, and macro-invertebrate cards. The Junior …

The school year is ending in flames!!

Kathy Daniels, science teacher at Mississinewa High School, received a grant to purchase distillation equipment for her classroom. She said, “I want to say a huge ‘thank you!’ for the grant to purchase the distillation equipment to make corn ethanol. My students just completed the final steps of lab today, burning their ethanol. They wrote about …

I know! It’s a soil triangle!

Mike Liston of Tolles Career and Technical Center left last summer’s Feed the World workshop armed with useful knowledge and lots of great activities to use with his science students! Liston used the Soil and Sustainability activities with his Environmental Management and Environmental Science students. After discussing soil texture and particle …

Future homeowners learn about urban fertilizer application

Ashley Thompson, agriculture instructor at Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, attended the two-day Feed the World workshop last summer. She used several of the soil lessons this year in her Greenhouse & Nursery Management class. Thompson said, “I liked the lessons because they touched on material that I had taught before, but helped me to clarify …

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