
Teachers all over the state and beyond are using Feed the World lessons with their students! See how other teachers are implementing this curriculum in their classrooms, learn about emerging agricultural topics and resources, and get the latest updates on our workshops and satellite activities.

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Science Symposium provides outreach opportunities

Feed the World’s free resources are so helpful to teachers that we want everyone to know about them! So we didn’t miss the chance to participate in the Science Education Council of Ohio’s 2018 Science Symposium. Ohio Corn & Wheat-sponsored Feed the World’s booth in the exhibit hall allowed them to connect with teachers attending the symposium. …

Alumni educators gather in Columbus

Did you know that the Ohio Corn & Wheat-sponsored Feed the World program has a group of alumni educators who are eager ambassadors for the FTW program? This group gathered recently to network and collaborate, sharing information about how they are using FTW resources in their classrooms. Donna Meller of Pettisville High School provided …

Students figuring out about fermentation

At Bethel-Tate High School, Samantha Williams’ honors biology students performed the fermentation in a bag lab . Each student group created their own experiment plan to test their chosen variables. Students then added various enzymes, yeast, various feedstock/corn stock, and warm water to snack size baggies. Then they measured the height of each …

The flow of knowledge in the study of water

Kelly Staley, 7th grade science teacher at Clear Fork Middle School, shares how she’s using what she learned at the summer 2-day Feed the World workshop sponsored by Ohio Corn & Wheat: My students begin this unit by studying the properties of water. They perform tests examining cohesion, adhesion, specific heat, and the pH of different sources …

Cellular respiration and fermentation

After covering photosynthesis, Rebecca Scott of Field High School took her students through cellular respiration, including the corn fermentation in a bag activity. The activities and supplies were provided from Ohio Corn & Wheat-sponsored Feed the World workshop. Scott said, “First and foremost, the breathalyzer sure captured their interest! …

Fermentation leads to lots of gas

Recently the 10th grade biology students at Fort Jennings High School worked on the Corn Fermentation in a Bag lab experiment. Teacher Jeff Jostpille, a Feed the World alumni educator, first reviewed cellular respiration and organic molecules. Next, he talked about commercial ethanol production, reminding students about the two local ethanol …

Burning and learning: December Focus on energy and ethanol workshop

The power of corn was clearly demonstrated in Ohio Corn & Wheat -sponsored Feed the World’s recent workshop on energy and ethanol. 33 teachers from around the state attended this event at Global Impact STEM Academy in Springfield. The teachers, representing a variety of subject areas including chemistry, physics, biology, and environmental …

Clean water, clean environment

The water cycle and erosion are part of Ohio’s fourth grade science standards. Julia Moncrief’s students at Meigs Intermediate School in southeastern Ohio did chemical water tests for dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate, and phosphates of the water in the local stream behind the school. She expanded the activity to the garden club to include students …

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