This year’s Henry County fair offered more than just rides, animals, and treats—a special outreach event gave teachers and homeschoolers an opportunity to integrate STEM and the science of agriculture into education. Feed the World alumni educators Brian Badenhop and Donna Meller, along with Education Projects’ Heather Bryan and Jane Hunt, presented to a group of 17 teachers and others.

The Ohio Farm Bureau, the event sponsor, started the presentation by welcoming the crowd. Then the leaders shared lesson ideas and activities that allow teachers to incorporate agriculture as STEM in the classroom, beginning with an understanding of where our food comes from. Bryan said, “Agriculture encompasses many aspects of science. Promoting an understanding of STEM in agriculture helps youth understand the challenges faced globally in creating a sustainable world that can feed a growing population.”
As part of the activities, participants did the Corn Fermentation in a Bag activity—see it here! The presenters also discussed the importance of including ag in the science curriculum because of the growing career opportunities in this area.