The 2023 Feed the World summer workshop took place on an island! 20 Ohio teachers gathered on South Bass Island in Lake Erie to learn more about the science involved in modern agriculture.
Water quality is a hot topic in Ohio, and farmers are working hard to protect the environment and reduce algal blooms in the Great Lakes. Being in this unique location afforded a close-up look!

The first day’s activities included a tour of the fishery at Stone Lab and a science cruise on Lake Erie. Participants assessed environmental factors such as air and water temperature, windspeed, wave height, and water pH. They also collected phytoplankton and zooplankton and trawled for fish.

Teachers split into groups and peer-taught Feed the World lessons. These are available free on our website. Ohio Corn & Wheat generously provided supplies for teachers to implement the lessons in their classroom.
New Albany High School Biology and Ecology instructor Chad Schwinnen found the workshop highly useful: “The biomolecule testing and enzyme simulation are well-aligned with state standards and will help me teach these concepts in a relevant, applied way. I appreciate Ohio Corn and Wheat making the science in their industry available to teachers in a way that we can really use.”

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