Kendra Carnegie attended the Feed the World two-day summer workshop, taking home supplies and lessons for her students at Loudonville High School. This fall, she taught water testing. The lessons Chemical tests to determine water quality and Biotic water sampling were used to fulfill content in the Agricultural and Environmental Systems Career Tech Field, Animal and Plant Science course for 9th and 10th grade students. As part of this course, students learned principles of the growing environment on plant production and water usage.

Carnegie said the objectives for these activities were to collect, analyze and interpret data for a localized water use and management plan; explain the domains of hydrology, and to describe the geological and meteorological principles affecting water supplies.

Carnegie said her students absolutely loved being in the stream instead of the classroom and seeing the macroinvertebrates. “They were surprised that so many “critters” were adhering to the rocks in such quick-moving water and just how small the macroinvertebrates were.”

Carnegie found the workshop quite helpful. “The workshop helped me review what I had learned years ago and give me the confidence to teach it again. Also, the water testing equipment and other workshop supplies really eased my classroom budget for this unit.”
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