Why is ethanol so important today? Participants at the Ohio Corn & Wheat sponsored Focus on energy and ethanol workshop heard about ethanol’s benefits from industry experts.

John Settlemyre, Ohio corn farmer, Ohio Corn & Wheat President, and National Corn Growers Association Ethanol Action Team member, spoke about his role as an ethanol advocate. His work involves policy and advocacy in the United States, including access to retail pumps and ethanol-related tax credits.
“Converting starch into ethanol is a renewable pathway,” Settlemyre said. Farmers grow crops which are made into ethanol, which recycles carbon by putting it back into the environment. This makes ethanol a vital pathway for rural areas and agriculture to help address climate change.
Ohio farmers average about 300 bushels per acre today, an increase of 600% from past production. Corn farmers’ increased productivity and efficiency have resulted in high yields, using fewer resources to meet food, feed, and fuel needs to keep prices down.

Ohio Corn & Wheat’s Kim Schriver talked about the importance of educating the public and smoothing the pathway to increased use of ethanol in vehicles.
Learn more about ethanol and ethanol production in this Race to Reach Net Zero virtual field trip!