Students at Global Impact STEM Academy observed National Ag Day on March 14 with a variety of agriculture-related lab activities. Students rotated through sessions on:

- Food affordability/quality
- Food waste
- Local and global markets
- Agriculture systems
- Livestock
- Big Data
- Water quality
- Bioeconomy/biofuels and byproducts
- Government policy and farming
- Biotechnology/food science
State representative Kyle Koehler, Ohio Department of Agriculture director Dorothy Pelanda, Ohio Department of Natural Resources director Mary Mertz and other officials visited the school to talk with students about what they were learning.
Middle school and high school students also spent time working on presentations for the OSLN 2019 Design Challenge on Food Security, then presented their ideas to judges. The challenge is to work as a team to imagine, design and prototype a solution to increase food security in your life, community, or world.