Virtual classroom resources

Looking for virtual classroom resources? We’ve got a lot of great curriculum on our site, and we’ve adapted things to make them virtual user-friendly! You can find links to curriculum—student and teacher documents—below. Also, take a look around the site….we have digital resources that can help students understand some additional background, too.

Growing Ohio

Soil & sustainability

  • Soil texture labtivity
    What is soil composed of? How can you separate its components to find out?
    Student documentTeacher document

  • Agricultural system
    Using the sketchpad app on iPad or a blank sheet of paper, students draw a system diagram. Illustrate what you know about inputs, outputs, storages, and flows. (This could be used as a pre-assessment before a unit on agriculture is taught.)
    Student document

  • Soil texture (special virtual classroom version)
    Students determine soil texture by feel and percentage.
    Student document

Feeding the world


Water quality